September is here again. And for many, it’s back to school and work.
But rather than the same old routine, Covid-19 has changed some of the basics.
First of all, the summer holidays looked a little different. Masks began to pop up everyone. Countries imposed travel restrictions as cases rose or left existing guidelines in place.
Airlines cancelled flights due to insufficient demand. The French stayed in France and all headed south to the Med or west to Brittany and the Atlantic coast.
We tried to relax and have a good time. But the cloud of a “second wave” hovered over our heads, and slowly become a reality as September edged closer.
What lies in store us in the coming months?
- Masks are pretty much everyone now, from schools to workplaces. And won’t be going away anytime soon.
- Further local, or even national, restrictions could be implemented at any time.
- The economy, protected in part by the government through “chomage partiel”, will begin to feel the longer-term effects of the crisis – job cuts and unemployment are looming.
- Months (or even years) of pent of discontent about everything from the previously proposed retirement reform to unemployment benefits, hospital budgets, the energy transition and teachers’ wages may well explode into strikes and protests.
…But there’s also plenty of optimism about new adventures, encounters and projects.
Despite (or because of) the exceptional circumstances, let’s try and make the most of this rentrée.
I’m certainly ready to take up the challenge!
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