I’m back again. Another week has come and gone. Life still seems to be suspended like a film on pause. As if waiting to flood the screen with sounds, images and action. A dawning realisation To state the obvious, it’s increasingly clear that this pandemic won’t be over any time soon. And, it will fundamentally…
50 shades of lockdown: part 4
I’ve finally caught up with events and I’m posting this article right on time. 12 noon on Tuesday 14th as the 4thweek of lockdown comes to close. A whole 4 weeks. That’s almost a month. It’s hard to believe. And yet now so believable with the lockdown set to continue. I should be on holiday…
50 shades of lockdown: part 3

My blog posts are lagging a little behind events. But I’ll catch up soon, I promise. Or maybe it’s better to write with a few days of perspective in my pen. In any case, I hope you enjoyed part 1 and part 2. Here’s the next installment of my lockdown diary. Day 15: dragging on The…
50 shades of lockdown: part 2
I’m back with more musings about life under lockdown. Having survived the first week, I began week 2 with a strange mix of optimism, boredom and blasé. Day 8: a bit of blur The days are starting to run together. It’s harder and harder to distinguish them apart. The big event of the day was…
50 shades of lockdown: part 1
We haven’t (yet) been locked down for 50 days. Although it does sometimes feel like it! But, as I have more free time, I decided to jot down a few of my own nuances from the confines of my apartment. I’m not promising big statements or revolutionary solutions to any of the problems generated by…
A Brit in the banlieue
Obviously, Covid-19 is on everyone’s lips and keyboards at the moment. Once of the advantages of being stuck at home is having more free time… although with a freelance job and 3-year-old the hours only stretch so far! In one of those rare peaceful moments, I started thinking about the city I live in and…
When an English Copywriter becomes French
In the past, I’ve written quite a few articles about copywriting from explaining SEO to the impact of Artificial intelligence. So, I thought it was time to share a few more personal insights from a Brit living (near) Paris. Against a Brexit backdrop Given the uncertain context created by the long, painful and seemingly never-ending Brexit process, I…
Christmas adverts: understanding a very British tradition
When I first moved to France, one of the biggest shocks to the system was Christmas. It was suddenly so understated, elegant and didn’t even start until late November. It was a world away from the all-out glitzy blitz from October onwards in the UK. It seemed that I could forget crackers, mince pies, carol…
Just how easy is it to become bilingual?
I’ve been living and working in France for quite a while now. I use thousands of French words every day, but when the crunch comes, I always have to slightly adjust what I want to say or unconsciously opt for the same phrases I use on a rather too regular basis. We all do this,…
What exactly is SEO?
As a digital copywriter, I inevitably get tangled up in the intricate web of SEO. Many of my clients ask me to optimise their content for Google and other search engines. Some understand how it works; others are a little hazier. I was all prepped and ready to write an article packed with SEO tips for…